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7 Steps to Finding The Collaborators That Are Right For You

Collaborations can either give your creative process a real boost or throw it completely off track—so don’t rush into them!

Your time spent creating is precious, and finding the right team is key to making sure your vision comes to life just as you imagined.

But how do you find the right people?

Join other choreographers on a mission to have more successful collaborations. Get your guide delivered right to your inbox.

Great art
doesn't exist
in isolation.

It's a team effort

Knowing who to work with and what to discuss upfront can save you loads of stress and make your work really stand out.

You’ve worked so hard to secure every pound of funding, so it’s worth investing in the best team to make your ideas a reality. You might love someone’s previous work, but every collaboration is different, so it’s important to make sure you’re a good fit together.

And let’s not forget the legal side of things—you’ve got obligations to your collaborators, and you both need to be clear on what you’re agreeing to from the get-go.

I know it can feel like a lot to think about when you’re starting a project from scratch, but don’t worry—I’ve broken it down into 7 simple steps to help you get started.

And as bonus you can also have access to the budget template I use for my Arts Council England applications!

7 Steps to finding the collaborators that are right for you

And a step closer to your best creative process yet!

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